Microsoft does not rule out working in Age of Mythology again

The priority now is the Age of Empires saga, then it will be seen.

In October 2002 Age of Mythology , a videogame that moved the successful RTS formula of the Age of Empires saga to a title inspired by the great mythologies of antiquity, gained a great legion of followers along the way. The title had a re-launch on Steam a few years ago under the name Age of Mythology: Extended Edition but will there be a new release?

Adam Isgreen , creative director in charge of the AoE series, wanted to respond in an interview with the British portal Eurogamer: "I love seeing the attention that Age of Mythology awakens, because it is also a game that I like a lot . more free but also manages to amuse people, and that excites me. "

We will study what we can do with Age of Mythology
The priority, however, is still working on Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, dated for autumn , and Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition as well as with the still to present Age of Empires IV . Once this is done, "we will look back and study what we can do with Myth, because I love it, and we will not leave it behind, and we will find out what to do with it", adds Isgreen, also remembering that Age of Mythology: Extended Edition You will soon receive a new patch.

In this way, it will be a matter of waiting a few years to know what exact plans Microsoft is following regarding this videogame, although given the current plans, everything seems to indicate that before a new delivery it will be thought of a remastering.
Microsoft does not rule out working in Age of Mythology again Microsoft does not rule out working in Age of Mythology again Reviewed by JLD on junio 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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