Destiny 2: How to get the Multitool

The Mida Multi Tool is the exotic type explorer rifle that every good guardian of 'Destiny 2' must have in their inventory. It was one of the most beloved weapons of the original delivery and now it is back. You had it and you want to have it again, so here we tell you everything you have to do to get it.

The Multi-Tool Mida, beyond its power (eye that in the Crucible is working very well), has at least a couple of advantages of the most interesting. On the one hand it gives us an increase in the speed of movement, but without doubt the best thing is that when aiming with the aim we will continue to see the minimap. As I said, this is especially useful in PvP, where we are interested in seeing at every moment where the players of the opposing team move.

How to get the Mida Multitool in Destiny 2

Having said all that, what do you have to do to get the Mida Multi-Tool? Very simple: complete an adventure that, by the way, will also give us access to a new sub-machine gun called Mida Mini Tool. Everything is to have options and more options within reach to annihilate enemies.

These are the steps to follow.

Step 1: Get the Mini Tool

It is important to remember that in order to carry out the mission necessary to get the Mida Multi Tool, you must have completed the campaign and reached level 20. If you are already at that point, look for an Adventure in the European Dead Zone called Altera! which will appear next to Trostland's fast-travel point, and begin with it. From there Devrim Kay will indicate what you have to do in each moment, since the Adventure, as is usual, is divided into several steps and objectives.

The recommended power to carry out this Adventure is 260. It can be done with less, even alone (checked), but of course the enemies will make it a bit more complicated. In any case, nothing to worry too much about.

After investigating glittering falls, tracking full signals, deactivating forcefields, destroying ether deposits, and eliminating a lot of enemies, both putties and harder bosses, you'll need to talk back to Devrim. It will give you the Mida Mini Tool and the next adventure step will be activated.

Step 2: Aim, shoot and repeat

The next adventure step you will get it from the hands of the armorer, in the Tower, and is called Aim, shoot and repeat. Basically what you are going to have to do is eliminate 50 enemies with precision shots (in the head, go), and another 25 enemies without reloading the weapon. All that using a scout rifle, the one you like the most.

Quiet, the goal of shoot down 25 enemies without reloading the weapon does not mean in a row, it would be complicated. If you hit two lows without recharging you already tells you, it's just a matter of accumulating. And as it is an adventure step that is active in the background, you can carry it out while doing other things if you do not want to grind yourself expressly. There you already choose how to fulfill the objectives.

Step 3: Under the hood

When you have fulfilled the two objectives of the previous step, it will be up to you to make a new visit to the gunsmith. He, as nice as ever, will give you a new step called Under the hood that will probably bring you some headache than another. Especially if you are one of those who dismounts to the minimum what does not serve him instead of saving it in case the flies in the tank, since in this step you will play disassemble 5 peculiar rifles (blue) or legend ( purple).

If you have been something for sure you have in the deposit more than one that you can get rid of without problems. If not, it will play activities in search of this type of weapons. Fortunately it is quite common for peculiar explorer rifles to fall on both public events and other activities.

That said, a tip: save everything you are not going to use but has a certain value (peculiar type up) in the warehouse. If something we learned from 'Destiny', and we are seeing again in this particular Adventure, is that the game can ask you to clear specific things to achieve certain goals. It never hurts to have a well-filled tank than to throw in cases of need.

Step 4 (and last): The fall will kill you

Once the five peculiar rifles or legendary rifles have been dismantled, it will play to go and talk to the armorer to give you the last step, called The Fall Will Kill You. The objective is very simple: you will have to get 50 casualties with submachine gun from the air.

When you have done so, talk to the gunsmith again and you will reward the desired Multi-Tool Mida. Now you just have to get into the Crucible and shoot everyone with it.
Destiny 2: How to get the Multitool Destiny 2: How to get the Multitool Reviewed by Unknown on septiembre 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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