Amazon's upcoming New World MMO is delayed due to coronavirus

Amazon Game Studios announced today that its next MMO, New World, will be delayed from its launch in May until August 25. The study says that due to the coronavirus pandemic, employees (legitimately) are working from home, which has had an impact on the world's new development.

"We know that you are eagerly awaiting the launch of New World, and we are pleased to share it with you. However, the health and safety of our team is our first priority. We hope you understand our decision to protect our team during these uncertain times while we refocus on a timeline that will ensure New World is the best game possible, "says a company update.

New World is currently in alpha testing, which will continue as planned until the closed beta run in July. You can sign up for the beta now, either by pre-ordering the game or by logging in to your Amazon account, but your progress on the alpha and beta versions will be erased at launch.

Amazon also gave a separate update on the New World, detailing the events called invasions. Apparently, invasions occur every four days, assigning volunteers to defend territories against increasingly challenging waves of enemies. It doesn't seem like a successful defense will win you anything, but failing to protect territory means provisions like crafting stations, gates, and turrets are demolished.

While we've gotten to a point where game delays are inevitable, we always have streaming services to keep us busy. Here is our definitive guide to transmission in the coronavirus era.
Amazon's upcoming New World MMO is delayed due to coronavirus Amazon's upcoming New World MMO is delayed due to coronavirus Reviewed by JLD on abril 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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