G-Sync Technology: What is it and what does it do?

The technology of Nvidia G-sync has been around for some time, but to date it remains an option that has little regard for PC gamers. Whether it is because of its lack of clarity, because it is a technology that still needs to be disbursed, or that until recently was only for desktop computers and not for gaming notebooks, the G-sync has less presence of what might be expected.

During an event organized by MSI, we were able to know the benefits of G-Sync in the new high-end notebook of the Taiwanese brand, which bets on a clear binomial with Nvidia. This is so we could count on the presence of a representative of Nvidia Spain and talk with him about the new refreshment standards that are being imposed (120Hz, 144Hz, etc) as well as the importance of G-Sync in this new leap that is taking place in the gaming environment.

To be clear in what benefits to the players a technology like the G-sync, it is necessary to understand the base of its function, to know for what is designed. And to that end, it is necessary to remember that for many years, from the time of the CRT until today, PC gamers have counted in the configurations of games (and continue) with an option called V-sync or vertical synchronization . We are convinced that is well known, but even so, just in case, we will give a few brushstrokes about it without complicating too much or boring with technicalities.

When we are watching a moving image on our monitor, that of a video game in our case, we have to know that the visual representation of what we see comes from a source and is generated at the moment by a succession of lines crossed at a certain speed, to a specific refreshment, what we understand as Hertz (hence the 30Hz, 60Hz, etc). In the example mentioned, the graphics card would be this source, the origin of the image, and it is important that it is perfectly understood with the monitor so that the information it sends and receives is represented synchronously and correctly. That is, the hertz go hand in hand. But there are times when the source sends a data before the previous one has been processed and displayed correctly on the screen. It is as if you are walking and before you put one foot on the floor the other has already risen. What would happen then? At least a good stumble. At most on the ground. On our monitor, this stumbling would see it as a break in the image, as if it were broken by a certain point, and the fall on the ground would be a sudden and occasional break, very brief but visible.

The G-Sync has the same objective as the V-sync, to avoid the visual defects that can be generatedThe V-Sync forces the graphics card to fit the monitor in a single rhythm, without variables, and that they do not move there , always aiming at the maximum hertz to which the monitor arrives. In this way, the information that sends the graph will always be received in an orderly way and will be represented without failures. What is the disadvantage of V-sync? As it is an extra calculation made by software that has to be added to the rest (it is the driver who gives those orders), adds an unwanted load affecting considerably the performance of the game and its frame rate. We talk that sometimes you can generate a drop of 25-30 frames down with the V-sync activated. That's why, despite the benefit of V-sync in preventing those visual defects are generated, many players have preferred not to activate this option to achieve at least stable 60fps.

The G-Sync has the same objective as the V-sync, to avoid the visual defects that can be generated. However, the big difference is that G-sync is a hardware-based process, not software like V-sync. The whole calculation is done by a chip that is in the monitor specifically designed for this feature and it is the monitor who regulates, orders or limits the information (and not the graph as it happens with the V-sync). The communication with the card is made directly through the chip and that frees us of much of the load we encountered with the V-sync. It is possible to achieve a better performance in fps while playing because of it (although there is also a slight decrease compared to if we did not use) and also achieved a more fluid and clear. The difference is appreciated, guaranteed.

The importance of G-sync (or other similar technologies we'll discuss in the future) grows now that frame rate standards in video games are rising. The result achieved with this technology at 120Hz or 144Hz (and since Nvidia told us that the goal is to pass already 200Hz) is impressive in video games that require speed and accuracy almost mathematical as are FPS and speed games. What benefits? The degree of detail that is achieved by moving quickly through the screen is very high. With a quick sweep from side to side it is possible to distinguish with certainty elements that in smaller screen refreshes and without any activated synchronization would be invaluable.

Synchronizing monitor and GPU

As we said at the beginning, this technology was originally intended for desktop computers. With a generation of Nvidia minimal cards determined (since they do not all support it) and a monitor prepared with the chip of G-sync (not all have it installed, obviously) this feature has been able to accede from day one.

This chip included in G-Sync compatible monitors is responsible for communicating with the GPU to interpret refresh rates.
G-sync access on laptops is relatively recent and in the event of MSI, among the models present, we could see two gaming laptops that benefit from this technology without the need for a chip, since the screen is directly connected to the hardware. These models are the GT75VR Titan with a GTX1080 in its guts and an IPS panel at 120Hz / 5ms, and the superior version with a SLI of 2 GTX1080, a true beast. Both are the highest portable range as long as one has the budget for it. It is a pity that we did not have the opportunity to try them calmly in some shooter or racing game to curl the curl and finish appreciating the goodness of his image, but what we saw served. Even in the benchmark of 3D Mark already appreciated the benefit of G-sync. We also had occasion to see the other models of range that are not short for anything, the GE63VR Raider and GE73VR Raider, both also with Nvidia 10 series cards, securing the relationship that MSI and Nvidia are having.

It is clear then that the technology of Nvidia has been and is an advance for the visual enjoyment of a video game

 It is clear then that the technology of Nvidia has been and is an advance for the visual enjoyment of a video game and also it is interesting that more and more is implemented in laptops more frequently. But it is also true that it is not a feature available to all or that we all need. We already talked about the article we published about the GTX 1080Ti, right? That each one is clear his profile as a player is key to discern if it is profitable to realize a considerable outlay when playing with the best possible conditions. Because yes, the difference in playing hair or sync technologies (and more from 120Hz) is very noticeable. But of course, if you are only Minecraft players, what's the point? As always, we leave to your discretion if the options that are within your reach are adjusted to what you really need or is simply a whim that you want to give. In any case, and regardless of its price, it is an incipient technology that clearly helps the perfect synchrony between monitor and GPU and the greater comfort in our gaming sessions.

G-Sync Technology: What is it and what does it do? G-Sync Technology: What is it and what does it do? Reviewed by Unknown on septiembre 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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