It has not been released and it is already a success: the new series from the creators of Rick & Morty will seek to squeeze the NFT market

Krapopolis is Fox's new attempt to cash in on the market for non-tangible digital objects

Despite being one of the most controversial technologies in recent years, large companies continue to trust the possibilities of NFTs. Thus, firms like Square Enix have based part of their future growth on this premise, a condition with which they hope to convince users of the virtues of buying exclusive digital elements. For this reason, the Fox television network has carried out a risky commitment to a product signed by the creators of Rick & Morty that, years later, still has not seen the light of day.

As reported by The Verge, the American company blindly trusts Dan Harmon, a figure recognized for signing products such as Rick & Morty or Community. Thus, as part of said trust, the entity has entrusted him with the development of Krapopolis, an animated series based on a family of deities, monsters and humans who try to keep an ancient city running. In fact, the trust in Harmon and his product is so great that Fox has renewed the series for a third season, a fact that may seem illogical if we take into account that the first has not yet been released. However, Fox believes that the NFT philosophy of the show will be the key to its success.

An NFT animated series from the creators of Rick & Morty
Although it has not been broadcast yet, Fox is fully confident in this blockchain project. Therefore, he announced that it will have a minimum of three seasons. In turn, he also revealed that he will be part of the Fox's Blockchain Creative Labs ecosystem, a program that will launch an NFT-based store where digital products can be purchased, access to exclusive content and, in addition, will provide the possibility of purchase an invite to the private Discord channel of the fan community.

Regarding the premiere of the series, Michael Thorn (current Fox programming chief) indicated that the chain's intention is for this product to see the light of day at some point in the last months of 2023 or the first months of 2024. In addition , pointed out that the chain is excited because the more they see of the production, the more they are amazed with its creativity, its humor and other distinctive aspects of the series. For now, we can only wait to find out what will happen to Fox's NFT project that will seek to take advantage of the ingenuity of the creators of Rick & Morty.


It has not been released and it is already a success: the new series from the creators of Rick & Morty will seek to squeeze the NFT market  It has not been released and it is already a success: the new series from the creators of Rick & Morty will seek to squeeze the NFT market Reviewed by JLD on marzo 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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