How to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iOS in the fastest and easiest way

When we release an iPhone coming from Android, one of the first things we think about is transferring all the information from our old phone to the new one. And this includes passing WhatsApp messages and chats. Something we can do very easily.

Although this migration was quite complicated a few years ago, in recent years, the process has improved a lot. Since the latest versions of WhatsApp, it allows us to migrate content from Android to iPhone in, in fact, in just nine steps.

From Android to iPhone in just nine steps

Before we begin, let's make sure you're on Android Lollipop or later or Android 5 or later. On the iPhone we must have iOS 15.5 or later. Also, let's make sure to update the WhatsApp app above version on iPhone and above on Android.

Once this is done, keep in mind that both devices must be connected to power during the process. In addition, they must be connected to the same WiFi network and that our iPhone must be new from the factory or it must be restored to factory settings. This is something we can do by following this route:

  • Enter Settings
  • Go to General
  • Go to the section Transfer or restore the iPhone
  • Now tap on Erase content and settings

How to transfer data in WhatsApp, from Android to iOS

Well, assuming that in our new iPhone we are going to use the same phone number that we used in Android, we can start the process.

  1. We search for and download the Transfer to iOS application in the Google Play Store of our Android. We install it and open it.
  2. After following the introduction steps, we enter the code that our iPhone shows on the Android to confirm the link.
  3. We touch Continue.
  4. On the Transfer data screen we select, at least, WhatsApp.
  5. We touch Start on our Android. Once WhatsApp, and the rest of the applications, have prepared the data to be exported, the session will be closed on the Android phone.
  6. We touch Next on our Android and then Continue to start the transfer.
  7. Once finished, we can install WhatsApp from the App Store on our iPhone.
  8. We open the WhatsApp app and log in with the same phone number that we already used.
  9. When prompted, tap Get Started and wait for the import process to complete.

Ready. As easy as emptying the WhatsApp cache from time to time, right? With these steps we will have all the messages and chats transferred to our new iPhone. From here the backup system will take care of keeping them safe. Let's remember, finally, delete the content of the Android phone to ensure that the WhatsApp information is not saved.


How to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iOS in the fastest and easiest way  How to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iOS in the fastest and easiest way Reviewed by JLD on marzo 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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